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mains hold meaning in Hindi

mains hold sentence in Hindi

मेन्स अभिबंधन
मैन्स अभिबंधन
mains    मुख्य प्रणाल
hold    अवलंबन नियन्त्रित
1.Women and children were often kept in rooms set apart from the main hold.

2.Added a creditor, " The main hold-up in the filing has been the size of the ( loan ).

3.As they enter, they are repelled by the County witches, including Grimalkin, who have been hiding from the sun in the main hold.

4.The Derbyshire's bow and parts of what is believed to be the main hold were discovered during the search sponsored by the International Transport Workers'Federation.

5.Russia and China have refused to make concessions to India, the main hold out, and the standoff threatened to wreck two and a half years of negotiations.

6.She was one of a large fleet of all wooden boats used by that Company for liquid cargo carrying, the main hold area being fully decked over.

7.Historians do not believe the rebellious Bostonians, disguised as Indians and brandishing " tomahawks, " reached that elite-bound cargo but settled instead for hacking nondescript crates in the main hold.

8.But with time slipping away, Russia and China have refused to make concessions to the main hold out India and the stand off threatened to torpedo two and a half years of intense negotiating.

9.Germany had been the main hold out against increased aid, arguing it could not boost spending to poor countries while it has come under fire from the EU for its already high public spending levels.

10.A new steelwork lower deck of contemporary design incorporating an amphitheatre feature was installed in the main hold while a glass-encased lift installed within the ship terminates in a new steel-and-glass housing structure on the weather deck.

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How to say mains hold in Hindi and what is the meaning of mains hold in Hindi? mains hold Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.